Presentation Title
But now I see
Session Number
Main session
Chase gym
"The way we see the world precedes our impact in it," Jethani said. "What Jesus tried to do is open the eyes of the disciples to see thing differently."
Jethani explained how Jesus, speaking to his disciples, wanted them to see a world in which is made sense for the last to be first and the first to be last. The disciples still didn't get it, so he would rebuke them repeatedly by quoting the prophet Isaiah: "You have eyes, but still do not see."
Could the same critique be leveled against us, Jethani asked.
But now I see
Chase gym
"The way we see the world precedes our impact in it," Jethani said. "What Jesus tried to do is open the eyes of the disciples to see thing differently."
Jethani explained how Jesus, speaking to his disciples, wanted them to see a world in which is made sense for the last to be first and the first to be last. The disciples still didn't get it, so he would rebuke them repeatedly by quoting the prophet Isaiah: "You have eyes, but still do not see."
Could the same critique be leveled against us, Jethani asked.