Biola’s 78th annual Torrey conference titled simply, “With,” was inspired by theologian Sky Jethan's new book, With, where Jethani delves into the potential problems of living for, under or over God rather than with God.
“While evangelical Christians should know better — acquainted as we are with the many scriptural invitations to open ever more deeply to his presence with us — we recognize that our enthusiasm to learn about God or work for him is not always the same as living life with him. And yet, this relational presence is our deepest human need,” said Todd Pickett, dean of Spiritual Development at Biola.
2013 | ||
Wednesday, October 16th | ||
9:30 AM |
Skye Jethani Chase gym 9:30 AM |
11:00 AM |
Skye Jethani 11:00 AM |
1:30 PM |
Lisa Igram, Biola University Calvary Chapel 1:30 PM |
1:45 PM |
Mike Ahn Crowell Hall 1:45 PM |
2:45 PM |
Chad Miller Chase gym 2:45 PM |
7:00 PM |
Phil Vischer 7:00 PM |
7:02 PM |
Biola University students, Biola University Chase gym 7:02 PM |
Thursday, October 17th | ||
9:30 AM |
Betsy A. Barber, Biola University 9:30 AM |
1:00 PM |
Sacred Rhythms for Walking with God Ruth Haley Barton 1:00 PM |
1:00 PM |
With God, Ourselves, and Others in Depression Betsy A. Barber, Biola University Chase gym 1:00 PM |
1:05 PM |
With God in a Zombie Apocalypse Mike Sanborn Sutherland Hall 1:05 PM |
2:00 PM |
With God Through Questions of Calling and Vocation Meleca Consultado, Biola University Crowell Hall 2:00 PM |
2:32 PM |
With God in Biblical Illiteracy Rebekah Davis 2:32 PM |
7:15 PM |
With God Through the Valley of the Shadow Christina L. Kim, Biola University Chase gym 7:15 PM |