Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Hide and Seek for Guys

Presentation Title

Hide and Seek for Guys

Presenter Information

John Riley

Session Number

Breakout session #1


Crowell Music Hall


For far too many men today, the game of hide and seek is not just a nostalgic game from childhood, it is a general posture toward God and others. It can be a scary thing for a man in our culture to take off his mask and come out of hiding. Join us for a breakout session where we will dive into some realities behind why many men hide, and then focus on the one question Jesus asked a man in hiding, two thousand years ago, that changed everything.

Streaming Media


Oct 19th, 1:25 PM

Hide and Seek for Guys

Crowell Music Hall

For far too many men today, the game of hide and seek is not just a nostalgic game from childhood, it is a general posture toward God and others. It can be a scary thing for a man in our culture to take off his mask and come out of hiding. Join us for a breakout session where we will dive into some realities behind why many men hide, and then focus on the one question Jesus asked a man in hiding, two thousand years ago, that changed everything.