Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Dichos: The Difficulties of Being Known

Presentation Title

Dichos: The Difficulties of Being Known

Presenter Information

LaDawn Prieto Johnson

Session Number

Breakout session #1


Sutherland Auditorium


In Latino culture, "dichos" are a fun and humorous way of relating to each other by saying something, without saying it literally. This workshop will focus on the importance of telling our stories and being "known" in spite of the numerous obstacles we might face. Often times, as we share, we can feel minimized, argued, or blocked. Through my story, I will explore what keeps us from becoming bitter or apathetic when we feel treated unjustly or with prejudice.

Streaming Media


Oct 19th, 1:10 PM

Dichos: The Difficulties of Being Known

Sutherland Auditorium

In Latino culture, "dichos" are a fun and humorous way of relating to each other by saying something, without saying it literally. This workshop will focus on the importance of telling our stories and being "known" in spite of the numerous obstacles we might face. Often times, as we share, we can feel minimized, argued, or blocked. Through my story, I will explore what keeps us from becoming bitter or apathetic when we feel treated unjustly or with prejudice.