Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Leadership, Ministry & Missions : Self-Care when Shame Looms Large

Presentation Title

Leadership, Ministry & Missions : Self-Care when Shame Looms Large

Presenter Information

Lisa Igram, Biola UniversityFollow

Session Number

Breakout session #3


Calvary Chapel


Experiences of failure, unwelcome self-knowledge, facing inadequacy, feeling like an imposter, not living up to your own or others' expectations - sometimes our greatest encounters with shame come in leadership, ministry, or missions situations. In this session, we’ll consider ways God redeems these experiences, as he disciples us into becoming more like Christ.

Streaming Media


Oct 19th, 4:00 PM

Leadership, Ministry & Missions : Self-Care when Shame Looms Large

Calvary Chapel

Experiences of failure, unwelcome self-knowledge, facing inadequacy, feeling like an imposter, not living up to your own or others' expectations - sometimes our greatest encounters with shame come in leadership, ministry, or missions situations. In this session, we’ll consider ways God redeems these experiences, as he disciples us into becoming more like Christ.