Presentation Title

It's Not About Blame, It's About Recognition: Working Through Shame in Your Family of Origin

Presenter Information

Michele WillinghamFollow

Session Number

Breakout session #2


Calvary Chapel


Giving recognition and voice to the ways in which growing up in our family of origin may have caused us hurt or pain is an important first step in overcoming any shame or self-doubt we might be feeling. Thankfully, doing this does not require dishonoring or blaming our parents.

Streaming Media


Oct 19th, 2:30 PM

It's Not About Blame, It's About Recognition: Working Through Shame in Your Family of Origin

Calvary Chapel

Giving recognition and voice to the ways in which growing up in our family of origin may have caused us hurt or pain is an important first step in overcoming any shame or self-doubt we might be feeling. Thankfully, doing this does not require dishonoring or blaming our parents.