Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Repentance, the "disappearing word"

Presentation Title

Repentance, the "disappearing word"

Presenter Information

Jonathan M. Lunde, Biola University

Session Number



Jon Lunde, Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University, shares about why repentance language is disappearing from Christian conversations, and why it is important to bring it back.

First Lunde offered a redefinition of sin.

Second, Lunde said the modern concept of sin is often confined to oppression.

Third, Lunde says we misunderstand Godly covenants.

Streaming Media


Oct 10th, 1:05 PM

Repentance, the "disappearing word"

Jon Lunde, Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University, shares about why repentance language is disappearing from Christian conversations, and why it is important to bring it back.

First Lunde offered a redefinition of sin.

Second, Lunde said the modern concept of sin is often confined to oppression.

Third, Lunde says we misunderstand Godly covenants.