Digital Commons @ Biola - Torrey Memorial Bible Conference: Lessons from the King

Presentation Title

Lessons from the King

Presenter Information

Norlan Hernandez

Session Number

Breakout session


Norlan Hernandez , Director of Online and Graduate Student Success at Biola University, shares about the Kingdom of God and learning from how Jesus lived his life on earth. He reads from Matthew 8:5-13 during this Torrey Conference breakout session on October 10, 2018.

Streaming Media


Oct 10th, 1:00 PM

Lessons from the King

Norlan Hernandez , Director of Online and Graduate Student Success at Biola University, shares about the Kingdom of God and learning from how Jesus lived his life on earth. He reads from Matthew 8:5-13 during this Torrey Conference breakout session on October 10, 2018.