Torrey Memorial Bible Conference LXXVI: The Sabbath Soul | Torrey Memorial Bible Conference

In a culture where productivity and pleasure seeking is the main focus, Biola challenged students and faculty to be still, enjoy God's presence and slow down and take the time to delight in Him.

"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." That is the theme for Biola University's 76th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference (Oct. 19-21). This year's conference focused on the Sabbath as both a sacred time and place.


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Wednesday, October 19th
9:30 AM

How We Lost the Sabbath in American Culture

Lauren Winner

9:30 AM

2:00 PM

Reclaiming the Sabbath

Lauren Winner

2:00 PM

7:00 PM

Exodus 20:10: The seventh day is a Sabbath

David Lee Talley, Biola University

7:00 PM

Thursday, October 20th
4:00 PM

The "Rest" of the Land in the Old Testament

Sandra Richter

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

The "Rest" of the Creature in the Old Testament

Sandra Richter

7:00 PM

Friday, October 21st
9:30 AM

Gift and the promise

Donald K. Sunukjian, Biola University

Chase gym

9:30 AM

Matthew 11:28: Come to me and I will give you rest

David Lee Talley, Biola University

9:30 AM