Content Posted in 2018
16PF and marital satisfaction inventory as predictors of missionary job success., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Todd W. Hall
2 Corinthians, Moyer V. Hubbard
50 Years of God’s Faithfulness: The History of the Biola University Department of Nursing (1966-2016), Anne Gewe and Rebekah Fleeger
Absurdities of Mormon Materialism : A Reply to the Neglected Orson Pratt, James Porter Moreland
Accessibility of religious beliefs, Peter C. Hill
Accessing the water of life, Dallas Willard
Accrediation achieved - Faculty of 1972
Achievement in predominantly low SES/Hispanic dual language schools, Nicholas C. Block
Actors, Asian American, Nancy Wang Yuen
Acute effects of lateral shoe wedges on joint biomechanics of patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis during stationary cycling, Jacob Kale Gardner
Addition Versus Multiplication
Adult attachment, God attachment and gender in relation to perceived stress, Tamara Lynn Anderson, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Todd W. Hall
Advancing Trinitarian theology : explorations in constructive dogmatics, Fred R. Sanders
A Fine Cluster Of Three-Sixteens; 2 Tim
Africans in Pursuit of a Theological Doctorate : Doctoral Program Design in a Non-Western Context, Richard L. Starcher
Against all odds : the struggle for racial integration in religious organizations, Brad Christerson
Albert Hourani, Christian Minorities and the Spiritual Dimension of Britain's Problem in Palestine, 1938- 1947, Todd Thompson
All too often a chaplet of leaves conceals a crown of thorns
Analytic Philosophy and Christian Theology, Jason McMartin
An approach to the ethical donation of human embryos for harvest of stem cells, Scott B. Rae
An overview of gender-based leadership barriers, Leanne M. Dzubinski
An "unfeigned faith" has no need to camouflage its presence by inky ejections
Aortic dissection or MI? It could be both, Maria A. Dixon
APA accreditation of doctoral psychology programs in Christian universities., Clark D. Campbell
Apologetic impulse in early Mormonism : the historical roots of the Mormon challenge, Craig J. Hazen
Apparently Other: Appearance and Blasphemy in the Ancient Christian Martyr Texts, James Petitfils
Approaching formative scripture: reading with both head and heart., Klaus Dieter Issler
Are the Catholic Epistles a canonically significant collection?: a status quaestionis, Darian R. Lockett
Are you one of these "pin" Christians: headed one way, and pointed the other?
Argument from Consciousness, James Porter Moreland
Arguments about human persons, James Porter Moreland
Asia and Latin America: Taking the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth, Allen L. Yeh
Asian and female in the white God's world : a qualitative exploration of discrimination in Christian academia, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Christina L. Kim, and Tamara Lynn Anderson
Asian Perspectives on 21st Century Pluralism, Allen L. Yeh
A Sower Went Forth To Sow, But What Shall The Harvest Be?
Assembling Ælfric: Reconstructing the Rationale Behind Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Compilations, Aaron J. Kleist
At Home in Our Bodies: Implications of the Incarnation for Embodiment and Christian Higher Education, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Erik Thoennes
Atlas of reality : a comprehensive guide to modern metaphysics, Timothy H. Pickavance
Atonement : a guide for the perplexed, Adam J. Johnson
Atoning Wisdom : The Wisdom of God in the Way of Salvation, Kyle Strobel
Atoning Wisdom : The Wisdom of God in the Way of Salvation, Kyle Strobel and Adam J. Johnson
Attachment psychotherapy and God image, Todd W. Hall
Attachment to God and implicit spirituality: clarifying correspondence and compensation models., Todd W. Hall and Peter C. Hill
At the intersection of mission and spiritual formation in the letters of Paul., Kenneth Berding
Auditor-Provided Lobbying Service and Audit Quality, Brian M. Burnett
Authentic communication : Christian speech engaging culture, Tim Muehlhoff and Todd V. Lewis
Awakening the desert and harnessing the Colorado River : power, romance, and the ethics of water in the Imperial Valley, 1890-1940, Alicia M. Dewey
Back to the trinity, Fred R. Sanders
Bare Particulars and Exemplification, Timothy H. Pickavance
Beauty of intolerance : setting a generation free to know truth & love, Sean McDowell
Because God said so : Religious facets of sexual and gender harassment in Christian academia, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Because Of Unbelief They Were Broken Off, And Thou Standest By Faith. Be Not High Minded, But Fear
Becoming a mother: The influence of motherhood on women's identity development, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Tamara Lynn Anderson, Michele M. Willingham, and Elizabeth K. Laney
Behind The Bars Of Satan's Lies
Behold, He that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep
Behold thy god, O church, that will bring thee into the promised land
Being good : Christian virtues for everyday life, R. Douglas Geivett
Being Seen and Being Known : Jonathan Edwards’s Theological Anthropology, Kyle Strobel
Being Seen and Being Known : Jonathan Edwards’s Theological Anthropology, Kyle Strobel
Being the church in a multi-ethnic community : why it matters and how it works, Gary McIntosh and Alan McMahan
Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI) : Integrative implications and therapeutic assessment applications across settings and populations, John M. Poston
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31
Beloved dust // : drawing close to God by discovering the truth about yourself, Kyle Strobel
Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage
Beyond integrity : a Judeo-Christian approach to business ethics, Scott B. Rae
Beyond the first visit the complete guide to connecting guests to your church, Gary McIntosh
Bible studies for life : beyond belief - Bible study book : exploring the character of God, Freddy Cardoza
Bible Study Taught by DR. E.J. Pace
Biblical and theological studies : a student's guide, Michael J. Wilkins and K. Erik Thoennes
Biblical grounding for the Christology of the councils, Fred R. Sanders
Biblical themes for Christians in language teaching, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Biblical Worldview: The Christian Higher Education Foundation for Learning, Octavio Javier Esqueda
Biola begins R.N. nursing program
Blackwell companion to natural theology, James Porter Moreland and William Lane Craig
Blackwell companion to substance dualism, James Porter Moreland
Bloom, "Brilliance", "Merriment"
Body & soul : human nature & the crisis in ethics, James Porter Moreland and Scott B. Rae
Bread Of God Is He Which Cometh Down From Heaven, And Giveth Life Unto The World. John 6:33
Breadth and Depth Specialized Vocabulary Learning in Theology among Native and Non-Native English Speakers, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Breaking the mold : A qualitative exploration of mothers in Christian academia and their experiences of spousal support., Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Bridge Discourses and Organizational Ideologies: Managing Spiritual and Secular Communication in a Faith-Based, Nonprofit Organization, K. Arianna Molloy
Brief theology of images of Jesus, Matt Jensen
Brothers and Friends in Philippi: Family Honor in the Roman World and in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, Joseph H. Hellerman
Bruce Grindal's Hidden Theology, Kabbalah, and the Need for a Humanistic Theodicy, Kevin D. Pittle
Building On Another's Foundation
Building the body : 12 characteristics of a fit church, Gary McIntosh
Burning Question: "What Became Of Christ's Body?
Business as Mission Hybrids: A Review and Research Agenda, Steven Rundle
Business for the common good : a Christian vision for the marketplace, Scott B. Rae
But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?-Jas. 2:20
Call for Financial Training for Ministry Students Manage Personal Finances, Daivd Keehn
Calling and conflict : a qualitative exploration of interrole conflict and the sanctification of work in Christian mothers, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Calling and conflict : the sanctification of work in working mothers, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Canon as Tradition: The New Covenant and the Hermeneutical Question, Mark R. Saucy
Can Science Answer Life’s Big Questions? The Error of Allowing Naturalism to Dictate our Origins Models, John A. Bloom
Capping Ceremony, Biola, La Mirada campus
Capping Ceremony, Biola, La Mirada campus
Capping Ceremony, Biola, La Mirada Campus
Capping Ceremony, Gymnasium, Biola, La Mirada Campu
Capping Ceremony, Gymnasium, Biola, La Mirada Campus
Case for the prewrath rapture, Alan Hultberg
Casting Lines After a Master: Elizabeth Bishop in the Undergraduate Classroom, Marc Malandra
Celebrating Donald A. McGavran: A Life and Legacy, Gary McIntosh
Chaff Which The Wind Driveth Away
Chaldee portion of Daniel 2:4, 7:28
Challenging the authority of Jesus: Mark 11:27-33 and Mediterranean notions of honor and shame., Joseph H. Hellerman
Character formation in online education : a guide for instructors, administrators, and accrediting agencies, Clay Jones and Joanne J. Jung
Chiasm and the concept of faith in Hebrews 12:1-29, Victor S. Rhee
Children Learning the Faith in the Middle Ages: Learning from Past Practices for Present Ministry, Kevin E. Lawson
Chinese Diaspora Church and Cross-Cultural Mission, Allen L. Yeh
Christian Business Scholar and the Great Commission: A Proposal for Expanding the Agenda, Steven Rundle
Christian contours : how a biblical worldview shapes the mind and heart, Douglas S. Huffman
Christian doctrine of humanity : explorations in constructive dogmatics, Fred R. Sanders
Christian doctrine of the divine attributes, Robert B. Price
Christian Educators' Use of Prayer to Cope with Stress, Robin L. LaBarbera and June Hetzel
Christian formation : integrating theology & human development, Jonathan H. Kim
Christianity in the Greco-Roman world : a narrative introduction, Moyer V. Hubbard
Christian perspective on the impact of modern science on philosophy of mind., James Porter Moreland
Christian Postmodernism and the Linguistic Turn, R. Scott Smith
Christians in the Argument Culture: Apologetics as Conversation, Tim Muehlhoff
Christ in the tabernacle : a series of radio messages, Louis T. Talbot
Christ Jesus--was made unto us
Christology and the Christian Life in the Preaching of John Chrysostom, Ashish J. Naidu
Christology and the concept of faith in Hebrews 5:11-6:20, Victor S. Rhee
Christ our passover is sacrificed for us
Christ's Treatment of Women, Dallas Willard
Church : a guide for the perplexed, Matt Jensen
Cindy Westcoot, a graduate at 61
Class of 2012 with Dr. Barry Corey
Classroom Guidelines for Teachers with Convictions, Kitty B. Purgason
Clinical Training at an Explicitly Integrative Program : Rosemead School of Psychology, David M. Cimbora
Cogent Bodies, Self-Aware Souls: An Apologetic for Theater in Christian Higher Education, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Cognition and faith formation: a reflection on the interrelationship of schema, thema, and faith., Jonathan H. Kim
Cognitive Skills Development among International Students at Research Universities in the United States., Christie J. Curtis
Come, man, climb into the life-boat. We need your help
Come over BEYOND Macedonia and help us
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
Coming Kingdom and Biblical Interpretation, Craig A. Blaising
Coming Kingdom and the Day of the Lord in Joel 2, Daniel Nessim
Coming Kingdom and the Hope of Israel, Calvin L. Smith
Coming Kingdom in Jesus’ Words, Darrell Bock
Companion to priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages, Greg Peters
Comparison of Teacher and Caregiver Perspectives of Collaboration in the Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Robin L. LaBarbera
Conceptualist argument for a spiritual substantial soul, James Porter Moreland
Conceptualizing Credibility in Social Media Spaces of Public Relations, Carolyn Mae Kim
Conducting the Conversation: Insights from the Historical and Theological Contextualization of Edward Said's Orientalism, Todd Thompson
Confessions of a tortoise : slow steps on the integration journey, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Confucius and Jesus on Responding to Injury: A Comparative Reflection, Gregg A. Ten Elshof
Conscience clause in religious-distinctive programs, Clark D. Campbell and Christina L. Kim
Contentment as a Christian Virtue, Stephen L. Porter
Contingency and Faithfulness : Francis Alÿs and the (Re)Presentation of St. Fabiola, Jonathan A. Anderson
Coping with discrimination in academia : Asian-American and Christian perspectives, Tamara Lynn Anderson, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Christina L. Kim
Corpora and English Language Teaching: Pedagogy and Practical Applications for Data-Driven Learning, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World: What's a Christian Executive to Do?, Steven Rundle
Cosmological argument, William Lane Craig
Costs of Diversity in Religious Organizations: An In - Depth Case Stud, Brad Christerson
Costs of Diversity in Religious Organizations: An In-depth Case Study, Brad Christerson
Could we know reality, given physicalism? Nancey Murphy's views as a test case, R. Scott Smith
Courage to teach as a nonnative English teacher : the confession of a Christian teacher., John Liang
Cripple’s Story (2 Samuel 1 - 9), Donald K. Sunukjian
Crisis Among Us-Our Need, Dallas Willard
Crisis on the doorstep, Freddy Cardoza
Cross Over And Burn That Bridge Behind You
Cruciform faculty : the making of a Christian professor, Octavio Javier Esqueda
C. S. Lewis is a Eudaimonist: Response to Goetz, David A. Horner
Culturally adapted spiritually oriented trauma-focused cognitive–behavioral therapy for child survivors of restavek, David C. Wang
Daniel : teach the text commentary series, Ronald W. Pierce
Daunting task of pre-practicum education and training, Clark D. Campbell
Debating Christian theism, James Porter Moreland
Declaration Of Those Things Which Are Most Surely Believed Among Us. Luke 1:1
Dedicated To The Hebrew Christian
Deep Preaching : creating sermons that go beyond the superficial, J. Kent Edwards
Definitions in theology lectures: Implications for vocabulary learning, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Deity and All-Sufficiency Of Jesus Christ
Design Theory Approach to Community Informatics: Community-Centered Development and Action Research Testing of Online Social Networking Prototype, David T. Bourgeois
Developing writing fluency : hundreds of motivational prompts, June Hetzel
Development of the Spiritual Narrative Questionnaire., David C. Wang and Todd W. Hall
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Empirical Evidence and Clinical Applications from a Christian Perspective, David C. Wang
Dialogue, Embodiment, and the Unity of Faith and Learning: A Conversation on Integration in a Postmodern Age, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and S. Bruce Narramore
Diapers, dissertations, and other holy things : the experiences of mothers working in Christian academia, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Did YHWH condemn the nations when he elected Israel?: YHWH's disposition toward non-Israelites in the Torah, Charlie Trimm
Dikaios: Man justified before God / Righteous: God justified before man
Dilemma for internalism?, Thomas M. Crisp
Disability and diversity on CSU websites: A critical discourse study, Denise P. Reid
Discipleship in Church, Dallas Willard
Disciples of John the Baptist in the Fourth Gospel : Hearers of John, Followers of Jesus, Gary T. Manning
Discourse of faith and learning, Rick Langer
Discovering biblical equality : complementarity without hierarchy, Ronald W. Pierce
Discreditable Origins and the Significance of Natural Theology, Gregg A. Ten Elshof
Disproportionality in Special Education: A Persistent Reality for African American Students, Denise P. Reid
Distinctives and Challenges of Business as Mission, Steven Rundle
Division of the Ten Commandments in Anglo-Saxon England., Aaron J. Kleist
Does donor support help or hinder business as mission practitioners?: an empirical assessment., Steven Rundle
Does missiology have three legs to stand on? The upsurge of interdisciplinarity, Kenneth Nehrbass
Dogmatic theology 3rd edition, Alan W. Gomes
Doing philosophy as a Christian, Garrett J. DeWeese
Doing the right thing, Scott B. Rae
Donald A. McGavran : a biography of the twentieth century's premier missiologist, Gary McIntosh
Don Giovanni: the absolute man and the patience of God, Fred R. Sanders
Don't wait till the door is locked
Dostoyevsky, Woody Allen, and the Doctrine of Penal Substitution, Stephen L. Porter
Dr. Rebekah "Becky" Fleeger (1979-2007)
Dr. Talbot interviews Leonie Soubirou, Louis T. Talbot and Leonie Soubirou
Early Church catechesis and new Christians' classes in contemporary evangelicalism., Clint E. Arnold
Earnings Quality: Evidence from Canadian Firms' Choice between IFRS and U.S. GAAP, Brian M. Burnett
Ecumenical Edwards : Jonathan Edwards and the theologians, Kyle Strobel
Editorial: A Turn to the Theological in Christian TESOL?, Bradley Baurain
Educating for faithful presence, June Hetzel and Tim Stranske
Educating students with autism spectrum disorders : partnering with families for positive outcomes, Robin L. LaBarbera
Educational ministry in Latin America and the Caribbean, Orbelina Eguizabal
Effective first-person biblical preaching : the steps from text to narrative sermon, J. Kent Edwards
Effects of Acculturation on the MMPI-2 Scores of Asian American Students, Patricia Pike
Effects of toe-in angles on knee biomechanics in cycling of patients with medial knee osteoarthritis, Jacob Kale Gardner
Effects of Workloads and Cadences on Frontal Plane Knee Biomechanics in Cycling, Jacob Kale Gardner
Efficacy, Efficiency, and Ethics in the Provision of Telepsychology Services: Emerging Applications for International Workers., Jason McMartin
Emergents, Evangelicals, and the Importance of Truth : Some Philosophical and Spiritual Lessons, R. Scott Smith
Emerging College Generation and Missions: Issues, Attitudes, Postures and Passions, Murray S. Decker
Emotional Responses to Antisocial Acts in Adolescent Males With Conduct Disorders: A Link to Affective Morality, David M. Cimbora
Encyclopedias and dictionaries of Christian education: reflections on 100 years of reference works in the field, Kevin E. Lawson
English language teaching in theological contexts, Kitty B. Purgason
Entangled in the Trinity: Economic and Immanent Trinity in Recent Theology, Fred R. Sanders
Equipping children for ministry, Jane Carr
Eschatological foundations of Christian education: how our beliefs about Christ's return impact our educational ministry efforts, Kevin E. Lawson
Ethnicity, acculturation, and religiosity as predictors of female college students’ role expectations, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Evaluating the church growth movement : 5 views, Gary McIntosh
Evangelical Commitment to the Arts, Dallas Willard
Evangelicals and missions, Allen L. Yeh
Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. John 15:2
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father Jas.1:17
Evidence against Pragmatic Encroachment, Timothy H. Pickavance
Evidence that demands a verdict : life-changing truth for a skeptical world, Sean McDowell
Evidential Force of Dallas Willard, Stephen L. Porter
Evolutionary Objection to the Argument from Evil, Thomas M. Crisp
Exact Opposite Of "Poor In Spirit
Exemplification and Constituent Realism: A Clarification and Modest Defense, James Porter Moreland
Expanding the self : motherhood and identity development in faculty women, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Expect great things, attempt great things : William Carey and Adoniram Judson, missionary pioneers, Allen L. Yeh
Exploration of family business dynamics in the restoration industry, Jacob Avila
Explorations in interdisciplinary reading theological, exegetical, and reception-historical perspectives, Darian R. Lockett
Exploring the Case for Life After Death, James Porter Moreland
Exploring the pervasive references to work in Jesus' parables, Klaus Dieter Issler
Faculty luncheon, Dallas Willard
Faith and disaster mental health : Empirical, theological, and psychological perspectives, David C. Wang
Faith and learning integration in ESL/EFL instruction: A preliminary study in America and Indonesia, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Faith and Philosophy, Stephen L. Porter
Faith and Scholarship: Points of Overlap, Tim Muehlhoff
Faith, film and philosophy : big ideas on the big screen, R. Douglas Geivett
Faith's Answer And There Is No Other
Faustus Socinus and John Calvin on the merits of Christ., Alan W. Gomes
Few Fish They'll Catch Till They Mend The Net
Finding a home in academia : gender equity at CCCU institution, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Fins and Scales, Louis T. Talbot
First Adam-Second Adam Typology in John Chrysostom and Cyril of Alexandria, Ashish J. Naidu
First Corinthians 7: Paul's Neglected Treatise on Gender, Ronald W. Pierce
Five key barriers to deep learning and character formation based primarily on Jesus' parable of the four soils., Klaus Dieter Issler
Five sacred crossings : a novel, Craig J. Hazen
Folk conceptions of virtue among Cambodian American Buddhists and Christians: A hermeneutic analysis, Peter C. Hill
Following Jesus, the servant king : a biblical theology of covenantal discipleship, Jonathan M. Lunde
Food for goats and wild asses, but not for sheep
Foregrounding Women in the Doctoral Classroom: Mainstreaming and Single-Sex Approaches to Graduate Education, Leanne M. Dzubinski
Forging new identities: A journey of collaboration between native and nonnative English-speaking educators, John Liang
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son
For the Love of God : Scripture and the Formation of Human Identity, Ryan S. Peterson
For to me to live is Christ. Philippians 1:21
Foundations for academic leadership, Orbelina Eguizabal
Four Misses Digit decide to have nothing to do with common Miss Pollex
From being bullied to being accepted: The lived experiences of a student with Asperger’s enrolled in a Christian university, Denise P. Reid
Fugitive Visions, Silence, and Song in Li - Young Lee’s ‘Furious Versions, Marc Malandra
Funding a Kingdom Business, Steven Rundle
Gait Biomechanics of a Second Generation Unstable Shoe, Jacob Kale Gardner
Galations chapter five, verses fourteen and fifteen
Gender and Sanctification: From Creation to Transformation, David Lee Talley
Gender differences in predictors of anticipated divisions of household labor in Christian students, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
General Ontology and Theology : A Primer, James Porter Moreland
Generativity, relational spirituality, gratitude, and mental health: relationships and pathways., Peter C. Hill
Geoggrey Chaucer : introduction, selection from The Canterbury Tales, essay, Diane E. Vincent
Getting At The Root Of The Matter
Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
Gifts’ and Ministries in the Apostolic Fathers, Kenneth Berding
Gladdest news : an Easter message, Louis T. Talbot
Globalization, Values Management, and Interpretations of Integrity in Higher Education: Perspectives from the Kingdom of Cambodia, Rebecca C. Hong
God and Paul (in Christ) On Three Visits as the ‘Two or Three Witnesses’ of 2 Corinthians 13:1, Kenneth Berding
God and the nature of time, Garrett J. DeWeese
God and ‘the World’ : Cosmology and Theology in the Letter of James, Darian R. Lockett
God as cause or error?: academic psychology as Christian vocation., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
God Forgive Us for Being Women : Rhetoric, Theology, and the Pentecostal Tradition, Joy E.A. Qualls
God in the bod: charting the course of research on religiosity and the body, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
God is impassible and impassioned : toward a theology of divine emotion, Rob Lister
Godly conversation : rediscovering the Puritan practice of conference, Joanne J. Jung
Godly jealousy : a theology of intolerant love, K. Erik Thoennes
God: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."-Psa. 14:1
Gospel Of Mark is the spectrum analysis of Philippians 2: 5-9
Gospels and Acts, Michael J. Wilkins
Gradual Nature of Sanctification: Σάρξ as Habituated, Relational Resistance to the Spirit, Stephen L. Porter
Gravity of sin : Augustine, Luther and Barth on 'homo incurvatus in se', Matt Jensen
Great Commission and the Coming Kingdom: Matthew 28:18-20, Mitch Glaser
Great commission companies : the emerging role of business in missions, Steven Rundle
Great multitude which no man could number
Grossmann on Existence and Property-Instances : Suarez’s Way Out, James Porter Moreland
Growing God's church : how people are actually coming to faith today, Gary McIntosh
Growing in Wisdom and Stature: Recent Research on Spirituality and Faith Formation, Kevin E. Lawson
Growth and impact of Pentecostalism in Latin America., Octavio Javier Esqueda
Handy guide to New Testament Greek : grammar, syntax, and diagramming, Douglas S. Huffman
Hauerwas and Kallenberg and the issue of epistemic access to an extra-linguistic realm., R. Scott Smith
Have you the blood on the doorposts?
He has far less need of a ladder than somebody's strong arm
He is faithful (not "fateful") and just to forgive us our sins
Heralding Christ Jesus' Blessing
Here Lies The Body Of Confucius
Here today, there tomorrow : unleashing your church's potential, Gary McIntosh
Hermeneutics and psychology: A review and dialectical model, Peter C. Hill
He Started it! : Everyday Communication in Parenting, Tim Muehlhoff
He That Planted The Ear, Shall He Not Hear? Psalm 94:9
He that ruleth over men must be *just, ruling in the fear of God" II Sam. 23:3
He Wants The Fruit But Not The Root
His Head In The Clouds; His Feet In The Mire
His need: Less study of the profits; more study of the prophets
Historical Foundations of Christian Education, Kevin E. Lawson
Historical theology and spiritual formation: a call., Greg Peters
HIstory of Nursing Biola 1945 - 2017 Presentation, Anne Gewe and Rebekah Fleeger
Holding Missionaries Accountable: A Proposed Code of Ethics for Missionaries Based Upon the Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association, Paul E. Langenwalter and Douglas Hayward
Holy Bible And Not A Holey One
Holy Spirit as communion : Colin Gunton's pneumatology of communion and Frank Macchia's pneumatology of koinonia, I. Leon Harris
Hootsuite University: Equipping Academics and Future PR Professionals for Social Media Success, Carolyn Mae Kim
Household Of The Evangelical Faith
How can you expect a kettle to boil on a cake of ice?
How God used R.A. Torrey : a short biography as told through his sermons, Fred R. Sanders
How Higher Education in the U.S. Can Inform Missions' Diversification Efforts, Richard L. Starcher
How (Not) to Collaborate with a Majority World Church, Richard L. Starcher
How we learn : a Christian teacher's guide to educational psychology, Klaus Dieter Issler
Human flourishing : the context for character development in Christian higher education., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Rick Langer, and Jason McMartin
Humiliation of Christ in the social world of Roman Philippi part 1., Joseph H. Hellerman
Humiliation of Christ in the social world of Roman Philippi part 2., Joseph H. Hellerman
Humility: an Augustinian perspective., Kent Dunnington
I Am Astonished That You Are So Quickly Turning Away! (Gal 1:6): Paul and Anatolian Folk Belief, Clint E. Arnold
I became a mom : Identity changes in mothers receiving public assistance, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Identification of the Buena Vista lake site 1 "dog burial" (Canis familiaris) as a badger (Taxidea taxus)., Paul E. Langenwalter
If All Our Homes Were Really Christian
If that is so, lad, God helping me you are going to have a better exemplar than you now have
If Theophilus Lived In Our Day
If Ye Live After The Flesh, Ye Shall Die. Romans 8:13
If you want to wreck the train, just leave the switch open
Image of the immanent Trinity : Rahner's rule and the theological interpretation of Scripture, Fred R. Sanders
Imago Dei, Ryan S. Peterson
Impact of Two-Way Dual-Immersion Programs on Initially English-Dominant Latino Students' Attitudes, Nicholas C. Block
Individual Ethics Response, Dallas Willard
Infants and children in the church : five views on theology and ministry, Kevin E. Lawson
In Feng's attempt to salvage the ship the least we can do is to man the pumps
Influence of Bede’s De temporum ratione on Ælfric’s Understanding of Time, Aaron J. Kleist
Inner core belief formation, spiritual practices, and the willing-doing gap, Klaus Dieter Issler
In Right Relationship with God: Childhood Conversion in the Evangelical Christian Traditions, Kevin E. Lawson
In search of a confident faith : overcoming barriers to trusting in God, Klaus Dieter Issler and James Porter Moreland
In search of moral knowledge overcoming the fact-value dichotomy, R. Scott Smith
Integration in Hong Kong: a phenomenological study of Chinese Christian therapists., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, John H. Coe, and Sharon S. Hsu
Integration in the therapy room : an overview of the literature, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Intellectual Humility and the Ends of the Virtues: Conflicting Aretaic Desiderata, Kent Dunnington
Intelligent Design and Evolutionary Psychology as Research Programs : A Comparison of Their Most Plausible Specifications, James Porter Moreland
Intelligent design psychology and evolutionary psychology: a comparison of rival paradigms, James Porter Moreland
Intelligent design psychology and evolutionary psychology on consciousness: turning water into wine., Christopher R. Grace and James Porter Moreland
Intentionality, Dallas Willard
Intentional spiritual formation in the classroom: making space for the spirit in the university., John H. Coe
Intercommunal Relations in Jerusalem during Egyptian Rule (1834-1841), Judith Mendelsohn Rood
Intercommunal Relations in Jerusalem During Egyptian Rule (1834-1841): Part 2, Judith Mendelsohn Rood
In The Gulf Stream; No iceberg can long survive in this current
In the World : Self-disclosure as Cultural Apologetics, Tim Muehlhoff
Introducing Christian ethics : a short guide to making moral choices, Scott B. Rae
Introduction to Philosophy, Paul D. Spears
Introduction to the Catholic Epistles, Darian R. Lockett
Introspection vindicated : an essay in defense of the perceptual model of self knowledge, Gregg A. Ten Elshof
Invitation to biblical preaching : proclaiming truth with clarity and relevance, Donald K. Sunukjian
Invitation to James : persevering through trials to win the crown, Donald K. Sunukjian
Invitation to Philippians : building a great Church through humility, Donald K. Sunukjian
Invitation to the life of Jacob : winning through losing, Donald K. Sunukjian
Is Aquinas an Act-Ethicist or an Agent-Ethicist?, David A. Horner
I say, my friend, haven't you forgotten something?
Is Christian Zionism based on bad theology?., Judith Mendelsohn Rood and Paul W. Rood
Is English a blessing or a curse in missions?, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Is Man the Measure? Truth and Postmodernism in Perspective, R. Scott Smith
Israel as a necessary theme in Bible theology, Mark R. Saucy
Is “Simple Reliabilism” Adequately Motivated?, R. Douglas Geivett
Is the present tongues movement of God?, R. A. Torrey
Is There A Christian Virtue Epistemology, Kent Dunnington
Item Response Theory Analysis of the Spiritual Assessment Inventory, Todd W. Hall
It Is Made None The Less Deadly By Changing The Label
It will be slow going until the barnacles are scraped off
Jack The Giant-Killer: Little But Mighty
Japanese Proverb: "The Man Takes A Drink, The Drink Takes A Drink*, The Drink Takes The Man
Jesus Christ’s Temptation, John Elton McKinley
Jesus in trinitarian perspective : an introductory christology, Klaus Dieter Issler and Fred R. Sanders
Joel Green's anthropological monism: Biblical, theological, and philosophical considerations., R. Scott Smith
John Henry Newman's theology of the monastic/religious life as a means to holiness., Greg Peters
Jonathan Edwards : an introduction to his thought, Kyle Strobel
Jonathan Edwards : an introduction to his thought, Kyle Strobel
Jonathan Edwards's Reformed doctrine of theosis, Kyle Strobel
Joseph's line according to Matthew. 42 names minus 1
Journey of our life: Dante as a spiritual theologian of grace., Greg Peters
Judges and Ruth (Teach the Text Commentary Series), Kenneth C. Way
Kept safe through childbearing: maternal mortality, justification by faith, and the social setting of 1 Timothy 2:15., Moyer V. Hubbard
Key-note that unlocks the prison-bars for courage, fortitude, and heroism
Killing' six birds with one stone
Kingdom integration: reflections on premillennialism and cultural engagement, Rick Langer
Ladder Is Too Short...but the hand of the Lord is not. Isaiah 59:1
Language of human dignity in the abortion debate, Scott B. Rae
Language scaffolding in second language writing, John Liang
Language, Theological Knowledge, and the Postmodern Paradigm, R. Scott Smith
Larger Self and Disciplines, Dallas Willard
Laughing through tears: the redemptive role of humor in a fallen world, Erik Thoennes
Leading ministry teams Part II Research on effective teams with implications for ministry team leadership, Orbelina Eguizabal and Kevin E. Lawson
Leading ministry teams Part I Theological reflection on ministry teams, Orbelina Eguizabal and Kevin E. Lawson
Learning from Jesus to live in the manner Jesus would if he were I: biblical grounding for Willard's proposal regarding Jesus' humanity., Klaus Dieter Issler
Learning his "3 R's". He is beginning rather late in life; but better late than never
Learning the Faith in England in the Later Middle Ages: Contributions of the Franciscan Friars, Kevin E. Lawson
Learning truth from sages., Edward M. Curtis
Leonie Soubirou, Nursing and Richard Chase, President
Leopard shall lie down with the kid;" but not for awhile yet
Lesson planning in a second/foreign language teaching, Kitty B. Purgason
Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. Matt.6:3
Letters from the pillar apostles : the formation of the Catholic epistles as a canonical collection, Darian R. Lockett
Letters of the divine word : the perfections of God in Karl Barth's church dogmatics, Robert B. Price
Let the fiery, cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through
Life's biggest questions : what the Bible says about the things that matter most, K. Erik Thoennes
Limitations of a Purely Salvation-historical Approach to Biblical Theology, Darian R. Lockett
Lim Science Center, new home for the nursing department
Little good the plank will do you
Living into the life of Jesus : the formation of Christian character, Klaus Dieter Issler
Living witness : explorations in missional ethics, Andy Draycott
Locating atonement : explorations in constructive dogmatics, Fred R. Sanders
Look back, leap forward : building your church on the values of the past, Gary McIntosh
Looking back, looking forward : reflections on the conference and anticipation of the future, Kevin E. Lawson
Lord, lay not this sin to their charge
Losing My Religion: Spiritual Discouragement amongst Christian Therapists due to Spiritual Immaturity in Christian Clients., David C. Wang, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Stephen L. Porter
Lost discipline of conversation : surprising lessons in spiritual formation drawn from the English Puritans, Joanne J. Jung
Lost MK, Patricia Pike
Lost MK: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Choice of Some Adult Missionary Kids to Leave Their Parents' Faith, Patricia Pike
Lost virtue of happiness : discovering the disciplines of the good life, Klaus Dieter Issler and James Porter Moreland
Love God with Our Minds, Dallas Willard
Love Is The Fulfilling Of The Law. Rom.13:10
Lucas, Teología de, Matthew C. Williams
Luther, Protestantism, and Education, Paul D. Spears
Luther, the priesthood of believers, and the theological interpretation of scripture, Uche Anizor
Magnify The Lord With Me, And Let Us Exalt His Name Together
Make It Pursenal: "purse-and-all
Make your job a calling resource guide, K. Arianna Molloy
Management essentials for Christian ministries, Michael J. Anthony
Man justified before God, God justified before Man
Man shall--live--by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
Man, You've Climbed The Wrong Hill
Marking the church : essays in ecclesiology, Greg Peters
Marriage forecasting : changing the climate of your relationship one conversation at a time, Tim Muehlhoff
Married women in missions: the effects of cross-cultural and self gender-role expectations on well-being, stress, and self-esteem., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Nancy S. Duvall
Married women in missions : the effects of role expectations on well - being and self - esteem, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Mary's line according to Luke. 77 names
Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing
Matthew Parker, Old English, and the Defense of Priestly Marriage, Aaron J. Kleist
Measuring religion and spirituality: where are we and where are we going?., Keith J. Edwards and Todd W. Hall
Medieval traditions, Greg Peters
Mentoring: The View from Both Sides, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Message from Leta Kilander, Leta Kilander
Message Of The Christmas Bells
Metaphysics : the fundamentals, Timothy H. Pickavance
Millennial Learners and Faculty Credibility: Exploring the Mediating Role of Out-of-Class Communication, Carolyn Mae Kim
Millions Have Crossed Over Have You?
Mind your faith : a student's guide to thinking & living well, David A. Horner
Minister's meltdown : getting help for yourself, Kevin L. Van Lant
Ministry, profit, and the schizophrenic tentmaker, Steven Rundle
Misdiagnosing aortic dissection: A fatal mistake, Maria A. Dixon
Mission Mobilization: The Radical Project, Murray S. Decker
Miss Soubirous Director of SMM
Mixed-Methods Exploration of Christian Working Mothers' Personal Strivings, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Model of Jesus Christ’s Two Wills in View of Theology Proper and Anthropology, John Elton McKinley
Models of Christian Witness in Health Care, Anne Gewe
Monasticism: Instrument of the Holy Spirit in the Renewal, Revival and Revitalization of Today’s Church, Greg Peters
Money Matters in Health Care, Scott B. Rae
Monks, marriage, and manuscripts: Matthew Parker's manipulation (?) of AElfric of Eynsham, Aaron J. Kleist
Moral choices : an introduction to ethics, Scott B. Rae
More than meets the eye : naturalism and human significance, Scott B. Rae
More than silent preaching: didactic use of wall painting in the Middle Ages, Kevin E. Lawson
Mos Christianorum : the Roman discourse of exemplarity and the Jewish and Christian language of leadership, James Petitfils
Multidimensional structure of the quest construct., Keith J. Edwards
Musings on the dark night of the soul: insights from St. John of the Cross on a developmental spirituality., John H. Coe
My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. John 6:32
Naturalism and intelligent design, William Lane Craig
Naturalism and our knowledge of reality : testing religious truth-claims, R. Scott Smith
Neuroanatomy for speech language pathology and audiology, Matthew H. Rouse
Neuroscience and Substance Dualism, James Porter Moreland
New Apostolic Reformation? : a biblical response to a worldwide movement, R. Douglas Geivett
New worship : straight talk on music and the church, Barry Wayne Liesch
NIV application commentary : Matthew, Michael J. Wilkins
No easy matter to grow roses in cold storage
Nonfoundationalism, Postfoundationalism, and the Truth of Scripture, R. Scott Smith
No Other Bridge Spans This Chasm
Norman Anderson and the Christian mission to modernize Islam, Todd Thompson
Not Even The Cloud Could Hide The Glory
Not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. II Cor.3:3
Not negotiable without your endorsement
Not whether, but what kind of canonical approach: a review essay, Darian R. Lockett
Not willing that any should perish : an apologetic for pro-life activism, Scott B. Rae
Now faith is the TITLE-DEED (hypostasis) of things hoped for
Nowhere does God promise blessing upon posthumous giving
Now Is The Offence Of The Cross Ceased
No wonder the soul of the sinless One shrank in horror at the prospect.
Nursing classroom, Biola campus
Nursing classroom, Skills lab, Biola campus
Nursing students in training, Biola, La Mirada campus
Nursing student using the Sim man model, Biola, La Mirada campus
Objects of mercy in Jude: the prophetic background of Jude 22-23, Darian R. Lockett
Oh, to have one's soul under heavenly cultivation
Old English homily : precedent, practice, and appropriation, Aaron J. Kleist
Old One: "Bravo! My son. Even in my prime I could do no better than that
On a cultural psychology of religion: a critical response to Belzen (2010), Peter C. Hill
On Believing that the Bible is Divinely Inspire, Thomas M. Crisp
On coercion, love, and horrors, Thomas M. Crisp
One church, four generations : understanding and reaching all ages in your church, Gary McIntosh
One sense in which the old faith may be called "static"
One thing we are determined not to know among you
On Much Ado About Nothing, Melissa Schubert
On Naturalistic Metaphysics, Thomas M. Crisp
On spiritual theology: a primer., Greg Peters
On the strange place of religious writing in contemporary art, Jonathan A. Anderson
Open Thy Mouth Wide, And I Will Fill It. Psalm 81:10
Originality and Commonality in Montaigne’s Citations, Victor Hugo Velazquez
Orthodoxies and heterodoxies in early modern German culture : order and creativity, 1550-1750, Daniel Eric Christensen
O, that each might see the other side!
Other side of the podium: student perspectives on learning integration., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Our Representational Reign: Royal Leadership in the United Monarchy, J. Michael Thigpen
Out-of-class Communication and Personal Learning Environments via Social Media: Students’ Perceptions and Implications for Faculty Social Media Use, Carolyn Mae Kim
Out of the same pit onto the same rock-Psalm 40:2
Outside the womb : moral guidance for assisted reproduction, Scott B. Rae
Overcoming the dark side of leadership : how to become an effective leader by confronting potential failures, Gary McIntosh
Oxidation-driven surface dynamics on NiAl(100), Xidong Chen
Painting Pentecost : The Spirit-filled Art of Sawai Chinnawong, Jonathan A. Anderson
Painting the pump does not cleanse the well
palal: The Hebrew verb translated more than seventy times "to pray" is palal
Pantheists in spite of themselves : God and infinity in contemporary theology, William Lane Craig
Partners in marriage & ministry : a biblical picture of gender equality, Ronald W. Pierce
Passionate conviction : contemporary discourses on Christian apologetics, William Lane Craig
Pat Kissel, chapel service, Calvary Chapel, Biola, La Mirada campus
Paul's creative and contextual use of Isaiah in Ephesians 5:14, Jonathan M. Lunde
Paul's creative and contextual use of Psalm 68 in Ephesians 4:8, Jonathan M. Lunde
Pedagogical Approaches to Student-Run PR Firms Using Service Learning: A Case Study, Carolyn Mae Kim
Perceived impact of two-way dual immersion programs on Latino students' relationships in their families and communities, Nicholas C. Block
Perceived Social Support and Self-Esteem in Adolescents with Learning Disabilities at a Private School, Robin L. LaBarbera
Perfecting the constitution : the case for the article v amendment process., Darren Patrick Guerra
Personal ethics of the New Covenant: how does the Spirit change us?, Mark R. Saucy
Perspectives on the educational ministry of the Christian church in Latin America., Orbelina Eguizabal
Pesos and dollars entrepreneurs in the Texas-Mexico borderlands, 1880-1940, Alicia M. Dewey
Philosophy made slightly less difficult : a beginner's guide to life's big questions, Garrett J. DeWeese and James Porter Moreland
Pictorial Homily on Ezekiel's Vision
Pilgrims' progress: faculty and university factors in graduate student integration of faith and profession., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Pillar Of The Cloud-Came Between
Playing ‘ghetto’: black actors, stereotypes, and authenticity, Nancy Wang Yuen
Pleistocene mind: a critical review of evolutionary psychology, and an introduction to intelligent design psychology., Christopher R. Grace
Points of unease with the spiritual formation movement., Rick Langer
Polycarp’s Use of 1 Clement : an Assumption Reconsidered, Kenneth Berding
Polycentric missiology : twenty first century mission from everyone to everywhere, Allen L. Yeh
Poor Fellow, He Doesn't Know Any Better
Poor fellow! He has been 'gassed' by the Germans
Post-conservatives, foundationalism, and theological truth: a critical evaluation., R. Scott Smith
Postmodernism and the Priority of the Language-World Relation, R. Scott Smith
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 10 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 10 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 11, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 1 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 1 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 2 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 2 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 4 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 4 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 5 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 5 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 6 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 6 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 7 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 7 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 8 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 8 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 9 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodernism & Christian Theology, Part 9 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodern Philosophy and Historical Roots, Part 1 Disc 1, Dallas Willard
Postmodern Philosophy and Historical Roots, Pt. 1 Disc 2, Dallas Willard
Postmodern Philosophy and Historical Roots Pt. 3A, Dallas Willard
Postmodern Philosophy and Historical Roots Pt 3B, Dallas Willard
Postmodern Philosophy and Historical Roots Pt. 4, Dallas Willard
Postsecondary education for students with disabilities, Denise P. Reid
Preaching Isaiah 53, Donald K. Sunukjian
Preaching to a Culture Dominated by Images, Donald K. Sunukjian
Predictors of Missionary Job Success: A Review of the Literature and Research Proposal, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Todd W. Hall, and Amy E. Cousineau
Preparing the Next Generation of Kingdom Entrepreneurs, Steven Rundle
Presentism, Thomas M. Crisp
Presentism and The Grounding Objection, Thomas M. Crisp
Presentism, Eternalism and Relativity Physics, Thomas M. Crisp
Preshistoric Dog Burial from the Intermediate Period at CA-ORA-1055, Laguna Canyon, Orange County, California, Paul E. Langenwalter
President's Chapel April 10, 1989, Clyde Cook and Dallas Willard
Pretensed and Counterfeit Holiness or Sowers of ‘Spiritual Things'?: John Jewel and Thomas Harding on Monasticism., Greg Peters
Prewrath response, Alan Hultberg
Prewrath response, Alan Hultberg
Problem of Gender Essentialism and its Implications for Women in Leadership, Leanne M. Dzubinski
Problem with the Satan Hypothesis: Natural Evil and Fallen Angel Theodicies, Kent Dunnington
Professional Guidelines for Christian English Teachers: How to Be a Teacher with Convictions While Respecting Those of Your Students, Kitty B. Purgason
Professors with a New Public : Academics and New Media, Fred R. Sanders
Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global Dissertations, Jeremy Labosier
Psalms 16, 22, and 110. Historically Interpreted as Referring to Jesus, John Elton McKinley
Psychoanalysis, attachment, and spirituality Part II The spiritual stories we live by., Todd W. Hall
Psychoanalysis, attachment, and spirituality Part I The emergence of two relational traditions., Todd W. Hall
Psychological and spiritual predictors of domains of functioning and effectiveness of short-term missionaries., Keith J. Edwards, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Nancy S. Duvall
Psychological First Aid and the Role of Scientific Evidence in Christians' Provision of Disaster Spiritual and Emotional Care, David C. Wang
Psychology & Christianity integration : seminal works that shaped the movement, Peter C. Hill
Psychology in the spirit : contours of a transformational psychology, Todd W. Hall
Psychology of religion and workplace spirituality, Peter C. Hill
Psychology of religion : an empirical approach, Peter C. Hill
Psychology of religious fundamentalism, Peter C. Hill
Psychotherapy with rural religious fundamentalist clients, Clark D. Campbell
PsycINFO Tutorial, Jeremy Labosier
Public Confession Of Christ Is Good For The Doubts
Public theology and prophecy data: factual evidence that counts for the Biblical world view., John A. Bloom
Purinergic glio-endothelial coupling during neuronal activity: role of P2Y1 receptors and eNOS in functional hyperemia..., Behzad Varamini
Purity and nationalism in the Second Temple literature: 1-2 Maccabees and Jubilees., Joseph H. Hellerman
Purity and Polemic : A Reassessment of Jude’s Theological World, Darian R. Lockett
Purity and worldview in the Epistle of James, Darian R. Lockett
Pursuing multiple callings : the implications of balancing career and motherhood for women and the church, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Pursuing the Heart of God, Dallas Willard
Put The Fire Out Before The Barn Burns
Putting The Arrow In Arrogance
Putting the final lick in liquor
Question: How long can the tree endure the strangle-hold of this parasite?
Questions and Answers, Dallas Willard
Quo Vadis Psychology of Religion? Introduction to the Special Section, Peter C. Hill
Race, Religious Organizations, and Integration, Brad Christerson
Raising the Interest of Clinical Doctoral Students in Basic Research: Three Challenges, Clark D. Campbell, Peter C. Hill, and John K. Williams
Ranching across borders : the making of a transnational cattle industry in the Texas-Mexico borderlands, Alicia M. Dewey
Rapture of the Christ: The "Pre-Ascension Ascension" of Jesus in the Theology of Faustus Socinus (1539--1604), Alan W. Gomes
Reading by design: evolutionary psychology and the neuropsychology of reading., June Hetzel
Reading spiritual classics as evangelical protestants, Fred R. Sanders
Real presence: contemporaneity in Bonhoeffer's Christology., Matt Jensen
Reason, Jason McMartin
Reason in the University, Dallas Willard
Recalcitrant Imago Dei : human persons and the failure of naturalism, James Porter Moreland
Receive with meekness the engrafted Word. Jas. 1:21
Receiving Jesus as messiah king: a synoptic study on the way to Luke's triumphal entry account., Douglas S. Huffman
Receiving the Mind and Heart of Love through Christian Spiritual Formation, Dallas Willard
Receiving Two Consequences: Tests of Monotonicity and Scale Invariance, Gerald R. Fisher
Reconciling wisdom of God : reframing the doctrine of the atonement, Adam J. Johnson
Reconstructing honor in Roman Philippi : Carmen Christi as Cursus pudorum, Joseph H. Hellerman
Record Title:It takes a village to save a marriage., Keith J. Edwards
Recovered Professionals Exploring Eating Disorder Recovery : a Qualitative Investigation of Meaning, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Redefining progress in Trinitarian theology: Stephen R. Holmes on the Tri, Fred R. Sanders
Reducing Anxiety: Training Attentional Disengagement from Threat Using a Modified Spatial Cueing Task, Stacy Eltiti
Reel inequality : Hollywood actors and racism, Nancy Wang Yuen
Reentry program impact on missionary kid depression, anxiety, and stress: a three-year study., Nancy A. Crawford
Referential integration: an emotional information processing perspective on the process of integration., Todd W. Hall and Stephen L. Porter
Reflections on Incorporating Virtues in an Intercultural Communication for Teachers Course, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Reflections on McLaren and the Emerging Church, R. Scott Smith
Refocusing the Project Class on Partnering with the Client and Partnering with God, Les Harman
Regnum Spiriti: the kingdom of God and spiritual formation, Mark R. Saucy
Regnum spiriti: the role of the Spirit in the social ethics of the kingdom., Mark R. Saucy
Relational Spirituality: An Attachment-Based Model of Spiritual Development and Psychological Well-Being., Todd W. Hall, David C. Wang, Peter C. Hill, and Brian D. Augustyn
Religion and America's urban youth, Brad Christerson
Religion and rural mental health, Clark D. Campbell
Religion and sexism: The moderating role of participant gender, Tamara Lynn Anderson, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Lauren E. Maltby, and Keith J. Edwards
Religion as Culture: Religious Individualism and Collectivism Among American Catholics, Jews, and Protestants, Peter C. Hill
Religion in education and training, Clark D. Campbell
Religion-specific resources for meaning-making from suffering: Defining the territory, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Religious Adequacy of Free-Will Theism, David M. Ciocchi
Religious and spiritual diversity training in clinical psychology doctoral programs: Do explicitly Christian programs differ from other programs?., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Religious Experience, Conceptual Contribution and the Problem of Diversity, Gregg A. Ten Elshof
Religious Orientation in Three Central European Environments: Quest, Intrinsic, and Extrinsic Dimensions, Keith J. Edwards
Religious Rhetoric and Satire: Investigating the Comic and Burlesque Frames Within The Big Bang Theory, K. Arianna Molloy and Todd V. Lewis
Response to a Platonistic and to a set-theoretic objection to the Kalam cosmological argument., James Porter Moreland
Responsibility is man's response to God's ability
Restoring Children : Serving Children for Christ – Both Near and Far, Kevin E. Lawson
Restoring the foundations of epistemic justification : a direct realist and conceptualist theory of foundationalism, Stephen L. Porter
Restoring the Role of Business in Mission, Steven Rundle
Rethinking the Fact-Value Split: A Place for Religion in the Public Square?, R. Scott Smith
Retrieving eternal generation, Fred R. Sanders
Reviewing our Job Description, Dallas Willard
Reviews, Polly Treviño, Emanuel Padilla, Dani Shepard, Marilyn Lewis, and Robin Gingerich
Richard Chase, Becky Fleeger, Pat Kissel, Leonie Soubirou, Biola, La Mirada campus
Rigorous missiological research using qualitative inquiry, Jamie N. Sanchez, Richard L. Starcher, and Leanne M. Dzubinski
River Is Rising, And There Is No Other Way Across
Role of Chiasm for Understanding Christology in Hebrews 1:1-14, Victor S. Rhee
Role of Secure Attachment in Predicting Spiritual Maturity of Students at a Conservative Seminary, Judith K. Ten Elshof
Role of spiritual and psychological development in the cross-cultural adjustment of missionaries, Keith J. Edwards, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Todd W. Hall
Role of suffering in human flourishing: contributions from positive psychology, theology, and philosophy., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Rick Langer, and Jason McMartin
Routes & radishes : and other things to talk about at the evangelical crossroads, Allen L. Yeh
Running in Place or Running in its Proper Place, James Porter Moreland
Same-sex marriage : a thoughtful approach to God's design for marriage, Sean McDowell
Sanctification and physicalism, R. Scott Smith
Sanctification in a new key: relieving evangelical anxieties over spiritual formation, Stephen L. Porter
Sanctified sexism : discrimination in religious organizations, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Sanctified Sexism : Religious Beliefs and the Gender Harassment of Academic Women, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Brad Christerson, and Shelly Cunningham
Satan hath desired to have you but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not. Jesus
Saving the Mental: Can Searle Do it? Pt. 1, Dallas Willard
Saving the Mental: Can Searle Do it? Pt. 2, Dallas Willard
Sceva, Solomon, and Shamanism : The Jewish Roots of the Problem at Colossae, Clint E. Arnold
School of Missionary Medicine, nursing students, Biola
School of Missionary Medicine, nursing students, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles
Scientific Naturalist Juggernaut – and What to Do about It, R. Scott Smith
Secondary and Vicarious Trauma: Implications for Faith and Clinical Practice, David C. Wang
Second language acquisition applied to English language teaching, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Servanthood: Jesus' countercultural call to Christian leaders., John C. Hutchison
Service Learning: What Faculty Can Learn from the Theory of Coordinated Management of Meaning, Carolyn Mae Kim
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Col. 3:2
Seven Biblical Themes for Language Learning, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Seven "If's" of I John 1:6-2:3
Seven Sayings of Jesus On The Cross
Sexual Desire and Spiritual Formation, Dallas Willard
SFLS_01 Resisting the temptation of moral formation: moving from moral to spiritual formation, John H. Coe
Shell and food acquisition behaviors : Evidence for Contextual Decision Hierarchies in hermit crabs, Wendy L. Billock
Shepherd does not lead His flock to waterless wells
Shepherd, Vine and Bones : The Use of Ezekiel in the Gospel of John, Gary T. Manning
Shifting Signals in the ‘Two’ Chinas, Jamie N. Sanchez
Significance of the California Missions in Californian Theology and Culture, Allen L. Yeh
Silence in an Age of Mass Media : John Cage and the Art of Living, Jonathan A. Anderson
Six themes to guide spiritual formation ministry based on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount., Klaus Dieter Issler
Six Things to Know Before You Go, Richard L. Starcher
Skeptics Can Win (But Almost Never Will), Timothy H. Pickavance
Sleep, sloth, and sanctification., Jason McMartin
Social Media Education: Industry Leader Recommendations for Curriculum and Faculty Competencies, Carolyn Mae Kim
Solving the internship imbalance: Opportunities and obstacles, David M. Cimbora
Some logical difficulties in open theism., Douglas S. Huffman
Some Observations on the Theological Method of Faustus Socinus (1539–1604), Alan W. Gomes
Some suggestions for Brian McLaren (and his critics)., R. Scott Smith
Sometimes God answers the prayer by denying the request
Some Ways of ‘Doing’ Biblical Theology : Assessments and a Proposal, Darian R. Lockett
Soubirou Hall, Biola, La Mirada campus
Soul care and spiritual formation : an old call in need of new voices, Betsy A. Barber and Christopher J. Baker
Soul : how we know it's real and why it matters, James Porter Moreland
Spanish Reformation and Christian teaching: timeless educational principles from Antonio del Corro and Constantino Ponce de la Fuente., Octavio Javier Esqueda
Speaking of Lamps. It might help the light some to lower the wick! Rom. 12:3
Spirit and the Heart, Dallas Willard
Spirited Humanity : The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Colin Gunton, Uche Anizor
Spiritual Assessment Inventory: A Theistic Model and Measure for Assessing Spiritual Development, Keith J. Edwards and Todd W. Hall
Spiritual development of emerging adults over the college years: A 4-year longitudinal investigation, Todd W. Hall and David C. Wang
Spiritual Formation and the Fulfilling of the Great Commission, Dallas Willard
Spiritual Formation and the Social Justice Turn, Stephen L. Porter
Spiritual formation: how can Christian education be intentional?, Judith K. Ten Elshof
Spiritual formation of Jesus: The significance of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life, Klaus Dieter Issler
Spiritual Formation Pt. I - 1993, Dallas Willard
Spiritual Formation Pt. II - 1993, Dallas Willard
Spiritual Formation Training at Rosemead School of Psychology, Jason McMartin
Spirituality at a crossroads: A grounded theory of Christian emerging adults, Todd W. Hall, David C. Wang, and Jason McMartin
Spiritual theology : a historical overview, Greg Peters
SPIRITUAL WARFARE IN THE PRE-K – 12 CLASSROOM: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, June Hetzel, Lorena Vidaurre, and Robin L. LaBarbera
State of Social Media Curriculum: Exploring Professional Expectations of Pedagogy and Practices to Equip the Next Generation of Professionals, Carolyn Mae Kim
Steps to writing success. Level 1, Writing sentences : 28 step-by-step writing project lesson plans, June Hetzel
Stewardship, credibility and political communications: A content analysis of the 2016 election, Carolyn Mae Kim
Story of monasticism : retrieving an ancient tradition for contemporary spirituality, Greg Peters
Story of the Old Testament, David Lee Talley
Strategies and success in technical vocabulary learning: students' approaches in one academic context, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Strong and Weak Lines : Permeable Boundaries between Church and Culture in the Letter of James, Darian R. Lockett
Structure of communicative strategy?: the 'two ways' motif in James' theological instruction, Darian R. Lockett
Structuring the scholarly imagination : strategies for Christian engagement with the disciplines, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Student nurses in training, Biola, La Mirada Campus
Subdue it / and have dominion over
Substance dualism and the diachronic/synchronic unity of consciousness, James Porter Moreland
Suffering as formation : the hard road to glory, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Suffering in God's presence: the role of lament in transformation., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Suffering the promise of God: engaging Oswald Bayer., Matt Jensen
Suspending the debate about divine sovereignty and human freedom., David M. Ciocchi
Symbol And Essence Of Meekness
Take the MISER out of miserable and all that remains is ABLE
Taking Up the Cross, John 13:4, Matthew C. Williams
Taking your church to the next level : what got you here won't get you there, Gary McIntosh
Tapestry of grace : untangling the cultural complexities in Asian American life and ministry, Benjamin C. Shin
Task of dogmatics - explorations in theological method, Fred R. Sanders
Teaching Christian integration in psychology and counseling courses., M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Teaching C.S. Lewis : a handbook for professors, church leaders, and Lewis enthusiast, Lyle Smith
Teaching Digital and Social Media Analytics: Exploring Best Practices and Future Implications for Public Relations Pedagogy, Carolyn Mae Kim
Teaching for reconciliation : foundations and practice of Christian educational ministry, Klaus Dieter Issler
Teaching professional ethics in a faith-based doctoral program : pedagogical strategies, Tamara Lynn Anderson
Teaching vocabulary, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Technical vocabulary use in English-medium disciplinary writing: A native/non-native case study, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Temple or prison: Religious beliefs and attitudes toward the body, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Heather L. Jacobson, Tamara Lynn Anderson, and Michele M. Willingham
Temple Police : Double Agents, Gary T. Manning
Temptations in reading spiritual classics, John H. Coe
Testimony Of "Two Small Fishes" To The Johannine Authorship Of The Fourth Gospel
Textbooks for theological education in Africa : an annotated bibliography, Richard L. Starcher
Thank God, Satan Can Never Put A Roof Over It
That which ye have, hold fast till I come. Rev.2:25
The Ælfric of Eynsham Project: An Introduction, Aaron J. Kleist
Theandric Union as Imago Dei and Capax Dei, Jason McMartin
The big thing about sin is the "I"; but behold whom we see when that "I" becomes zero
The curse of anti-Semitism : its cause, its course, its cure, Charles Lee Feinberg
Theistic evolution : a scientific, philosophical, and theological critique, James Porter Moreland
Theistic Evolution, Christian Knowledge and Culture’s Plausibility Structure, James Porter Moreland
The literacy gaps : bridge-building strategies for English language learners and standard English learners, June Hetzel
The Lust Of The Flesh, The Lust Of The Eyes And The Vain Glory Of Life I John 2:16
Theological Interpretation and Evangelical Systematic Theology : Iron Sharpening Iron?, Uche Anizor
Theological perspectives on trauma : human flourishing after the fall, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Rick Langer
Theological Perspectives on Trauma : Human Flourishing After the Fall, Jason McMartin
Theological Predication, Doctrinal Location, and Method in Analytic Theology, Ryan S. Peterson
Theology and California : theological refractions on California's culture, Fred R. Sanders
Theology and Christian education in the 20th century : an annotated bibliography, Kevin E. Lawson
Theology and the body : sanctification and bodily experiences, Tamara Lynn Anderson, Heather L. Jacobson, and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Theology as Queen and Psychology as Handmaid: The Authority of Theology in Integrative Endeavors, Stephen L. Porter
Theology in the Gaze of the Father: Retrieving Jonathan Edwards’s Trinitarian Aesthetics, Kyle Strobel
Theology of family ministries, Michael J. Anthony
Theology of the body for a pornographic age, Rick Langer
Therapeutic Approach to Intellectual Virtue Formation in the Classroom, Stephen L. Porter
There Are More Ways To Kill A Cat Than One
There Is A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than A Brother. Prov. 18:24
There's hope for your church : first steps to restoring health and growth, Gary McIntosh
These pre-millenialists, who are they? : facts presented, falsehoods punctured, familiar names produced, T. C. Horton
They Are Without Excuse. Rom.1:20
They glorified him not as God, neither were they thankful. Rom. 1:21
They left their father-in ship"-Mar. 1:20; "they forsook all, and followed Him."-Lu. 5:11
They shall never perish, and no shall them out of my
They tell us a keystone is not Essential;
They---Weave The Spider's Web Isa.59:5
Thinking right when things go wrong : biblical wisdom for surviving tough times, John C. Hutchison
Three cubits in stature he-touched the sky. Chrysostom
Three Elements Of A Missionary Call
Three views on the New Testament use of the Old Testament, Kenneth Berding and Jonathan M. Lunde
Thriving churches in the twenty-first century : 10 life-giving systems for vibrant ministry, Gary McIntosh
Through faith we understand. Heb. 11:3
Thy Kingdom Come, Derek Tidball
Time the Peasants Entered Jerusalem: The revolt against Ibrahim Pasha in the Islamic court sources, Judith Mendelsohn Rood
Tobit and Mark 9:14-29 : imperfect faith, Jeannette Hagen Pifer
To comfort all that mourn,---to give unto them/Out Of The Gloom Into The Gleam
To do good and to communicate forget not. Heb.13:16
Together towards life and the Cape Town commitment, Allen L. Yeh
Tokyo 2010 : Global Mission Consultation, Allen L. Yeh
Tom Paine, the celebrated infidel of the 18th century
Toward a More Biblical (and Pneumatological) Model for Integration, Teaching, and Scholarship, R. Scott Smith
Toying With A Python: Thrilling But Frightfully Dangerous
Traditional Marriage Education among the Kipsigis of Kenya with Application to Local Church Ministry in Urban Africa, Richard L. Starcher
Tragedy Of Felix Heart.-Acts 24:25-26
Training therapists to address spiritual concerns in clinical practice and research, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall and Todd W. Hall
Transformational psychology view, Todd W. Hall and John H. Coe
Transformed in Christ : christology and the Christian life in John Chrysostom, Ashish J. Naidu
Transforming Teaching in Inclusive Settings: An Educator Looks at VIM, Robin L. LaBarbera
Transforming Ungodly Habits Pt. 1, Dallas Willard
Transforming Ungodly Habits Pt. 2, Dallas Willard
Trauma, attachment, and spirituality: a case study., Todd W. Hall and Lauren E. Maltby
Trends and challenges for ministry among North America's largest generation., Gary McIntosh
Trinity Talk, Again, Fred R. Sanders
Triune God, Fred R. Sanders
Truth and the new kind of Christian : the emerging effects of postmodernism in the church, R. Scott Smith
Truth, Contemporary Philosophy, and the PostmodernTurn, James Porter Moreland
Truth, contemporary philosophy, and the postmodern turn, James Porter Moreland
Tweaking Dallas Willard's ontology of the human person, James Porter Moreland
Twenty Years of Culture Learning and Teaching Research : A Survey with Highlights and Directions, Michael Lessard-Clouston
Two Faiths, Two Gospels, Dallas Willard
Two Gospels from one : a comprehensive text-critical analysis of the synoptic Gospels, Matthew C. Williams
Two metaphysical models of the Incarnation, Garrett J. DeWeese
Uncertain center : essays of Arthur C. McGill, Kent Dunnington
Underneath are the everlasting arms
Understanding and enhancing the resilience of single mission personnel, Nancy A. Crawford
Understanding biblical theology : a comparison of theory and practice, Darian R. Lockett
Understanding children's spirituality : theology, research, and practice, Kevin E. Lawson
Unified identity and shared purpose: A response to the Blueprint for Health Service Psychology Education and Training, David M. Cimbora
Unity of the Soul- Hume's Debate and its Bearing on Our Lives, Dallas Willard
Universals, James Porter Moreland
Up The Old Family Tree, And Out On A Limb
Urban uprisings in the Roman world: the social setting of the mobbing of Sosthenes., Moyer V. Hubbard
Use and misuse of psychological assessment in missionary candidate evaluations, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Using the Psychology Internship Development Toolkit to increase the number of internship positions, Clark D. Campbell
Value of spiritual classics in soul care, Betsy A. Barber
Varieties of Accidental Necessity by Thomas P. Flint, Thomas M. Crisp
Verbal aspect theory and the prohibitions in the Greek New Testament, Douglas S. Huffman
Vernacular Treatments of the Ten Commandments in Anglo-Saxon England, Aaron J. Kleist
Village enlightenment in America : popular religion and science in the nineteenth century, Craig J. Hazen
Vindicating God's servants in Philippi and in Philippians: the influence of Paul's ministry in Philippi upon the composition of Philippians 2:6-11., Joseph H. Hellerman
Vine in John 15 and Old Testament imagery in the 'I am' statements., John C. Hutchison
Virtue ethics and moral knowledge : philosophy of language after MacIntyre and Hauerwas, R. Scott Smith
Virtues of capitalism : a moral case for free markets, Scott B. Rae
Vocation in the Ivory Tower : A Personal Reflection on Christian Service and Secular Academics, Don Snow
Voice of God in Historical Biblical Criticism, Jason McMartin
Voice of God in Historical Biblical Criticism, Timothy H. Pickavance
Voice of God in the text of scripture : explorations in constructive dogmatics, Fred R. Sanders
Was Jesus Intelligent?, Dallas Willard
Was John the Baptist an Essene from Qumran?, John C. Hutchison
Wasting time with God : a Christian spirituality of friendship with God, Klaus Dieter Issler
Wealth and sacrifice in early Christianity: revisiting Mark's presentation of Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler., Joseph H. Hellerman
We have the word of prophecy made more sure II Pet. 1:19 R.V.
Weighed In The Balances And Found Wanting
Welcoming the stranger? immigration and justice in a global economy, Brad Christerson
We preach Christ crucified, unto the Greeks foolishness. I Cor. 1:23
Wesleyan theological methodology as a theory of integration, Stephen L. Porter
Wesley on the Christian life : the heart renewed in love, Fred R. Sanders
What are Bodies for? An Integrative Examination of Embodiment, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
What is there honest about this?
What Jesus' righteous suffering means for our perseverance, Rob Lister
What the LAW requires, God's GRACE bestows-Rom 8:4
When Divine justice sheathes the sword
When The Bank Closes Its Doors
When the church was a family, Joseph H. Hellerman
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Matt. 2:10
Where art thou?, "Where is He?
Where demons fear to tread: venturing into an obscure corner of the doctrine of the atonement regarding the un-fallen angels, Adam J. Johnson
Where Do You Go To School? To The Movies Or To The Master
Where The Light Breaks Through
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom : Barth on ecclesial agency, Matt Jensen
Whither the Roots? Achieving Conceptual Depth in Psychology of Religion, Peter C. Hill
Who did bewitch you before whose eyes Jesus Christ was openly *set forth crucified? Gal. 3:1
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5
Who is more worthy than he who feels least worthy?
Wholly Present' Defined, Thomas M. Crisp
Whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be CONFORMED to the image of His Son
Who Searches Hearts and What Does He Know in Romans 8:27?, Kenneth Berding
Why all nursing students need mental health education, Deborah O'Dell
Why should we read spiritual classics?, Stephen L. Porter
Why wait until forced to your knees?
Why we need the church to become more like Jesus : reflections about community, spiritual formation, and the story of scripture, Joseph H. Hellerman
Willardian corpus, Stephen L. Porter
William Greenough Thayer Shedd on evangelical unity: some prescriptions--theoretical and practical., Alan W. Gomes
Wisdom from business, Scott B. Rae
Withhold the dues of heaven, and heaven's dews will be withheld
With The Heart Man Believeth Unto Righteousness. Rom.10:10
Women and men in ministry : a complementary perspective, Robert L. Saucy and Judith K. Ten Elshof
Women and work: Supporting female colleagues in psychology, Tamara Lynn Anderson and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall
Women, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment : Black-owned Township Tourism in Cape Town, South Africa, Katrina T. Greene
Women Faculty at an Evangelical University: The Paradox of Religiously Driven Gender Inequalities and High Job Satisfaction, Brad Christerson, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, and Shelly Cunningham
Women, gentiles, and the messianic mission in Matthew's genealogy., John C. Hutchison
Women's Self-Efficacy Perceptions in Mathematics and Science: Investigating USC-MESA Students., Rebecca C. Hong
Word in small boats : sermons from Oxford, Andy Draycott
Word Lists for Vocabulary Learning and Teaching., Michael Lessard-Clouston
Word Of God Is Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword. Heb. 4:12
Word of the truth of the gospel; which is come unto you and bringeth forth fruit. Col. 1:56
Work Calling: Exploring the Communicative Intersections of Meaningful Work and Organizational Spirituality, K. Arianna Molloy
Work of the Holy Spirit in Natural Psychological Growth, Jason McMartin
Wrath Of God Is Revealed From Heaven Against All Ungodliness And Unrighteousness Of Men. Romans 1:18
X-ray, but a million times more penetrating!
Yahweh the Dragon: Exploring a Neglected Biblical Metaphor for the Divine Warrior and the Translation of ’Ap, Charlie Trimm
Ye are like highly polished mirrors that ye may reflect the brightness of His shining
Ye are not under Law but under Grace Rom. 6:14
YHWH fights for them! : the divine warrior in the Exodus narrative, Charlie Trimm
You Hath He Quickened, Who Were Dead In Trespasses And Sins
You have climbed the wrong tree, little man; He doesn't pass this way
Your Past, Your Present, Your Future
Youth ministry from a family perspective, Daivd Keehn
Μορφη Θεου as a signifier of social status in Philippians 2:6., Joseph H. Hellerman